Vacancy: World Vision Needs a Project Officer (FMNR Project)


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Deadline: 19 June 2023 Position: Project Officer, FMNR Project

Job Description:

For the “FMNR” project, which is located in northern Uganda, the Project Officer (PO) will be in charge of project implementation. The Project Officer (PO) will be accountable for the planning, results-based implementation, reporting, project Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) of the “FMNR” project. This will include attending field-based sector working meetings, coordinating with key stakeholders, and forming connections with them. The Project Officer will ensure that activities are approved, implemented, monitored, and reported in accordance with agreed-upon project plans in accordance with donor and World Vision Uganda (WVU) standards, working directly under the Project Manager’s supervision.

Position: Project Officer
Deadline:19 June 2023
Location: Gulu District
Organisation: World Vision Uganda
Report to: Project Manager
Project: FMNR Project

Important Results/Responsibilities.
Implementation of the project
  • oversee the implementation of all project elements (landscape restoration and creation of climate resilient value chains for better lifestyles) to ensure the achievement of all targets and production of desired results;
  • Develop the technical approaches and/or model for the project in accordance with the project design and WV policies, including providing technical advise on field implementation, and identify and strengthen the capacity of relevant community stakeholders and partners (who support implementation);
  • Make that the project activities are successfully carried out on schedule and within budget.
  • Determine technical capacity shortfalls and problems for beneficiaries in collaboration with community structures (government extension agents, community volunteers/ToTs), which should guide project conception and implementation.
  • Get project updates ready for the recurring review meetings
  • creates fresh concepts and methods, investigates best practises, and suggests new, more efficient ways to enhance implementation and the realisation of the intended results.
  • Quality technical programmes and projects carried out quickly and effectively
Engagement, networking, and cooperation among stakeholders
  • Establish and preserve productive working connections with the lead organisation and other important parties, such as government and non-government officials, academics, and the commercial and public sectors;
  • Take part in stakeholder interactions at events like planning and development meetings, workshops, platforms for inter-agency cooperation, or sector working sessions;
  • To reflect on progress, the effects of interventions, best practises, exit and sustainability strategies, and to generate chances for action-learning, organise and conduct review sessions with stakeholders;
  • facilitate the project’s integration with other WV Resilience and Livelihood interventions, such as programmes and projects run by the government;
  • arranging regular field planning meetings with neighbourhood partners to direct efficient execution.
  • Together with partners at the sub-county level, establish strategic alliances, networks, and collaborations, and coordinate the execution of approved action plans.
  • Improved Resilience & Livelihood Services for Economic Empowerment through Community/HH Engagement
Monitoring, Recording, Reporting, and Education
  • Create an internal monitoring and operating strategy, and track how partners, especially community volunteers, are implementing the project;
  • assist partners in the field in conducting spot checks of the implemented activities;
  • Plan, coordinate, and schedule routine joint monitoring of the project’s field activities;
  • timely compilation and submission of needed reports in accordance with the donor’s and WVU’s specifications. Achieve high levels of quality in the delivery of all reports;
  • To ensure compliance with donor and WVU laws and regulations, manage all project data, information on implementation, and financial progress as required in a transparent, efficient, and effective manner;
  • assemble and lead meetings with project partners and stakeholders each month or every three months for reviews and reflection;
  • Take the initiative to lead the correct documentation and dissemination of success stories and lessons learned for replication of project activities. Take the lead in documenting and disseminating project impact/success stories and best practises.
  • improved small-holder farmer HHs livelihood resilience for economic empowerment
Protection and Welfare of children
  • maintain constant strict adherence to the WVU child and adult safeguarding management policy;
  • Keep track of cases of child abuse and well-being, and report any incidents in accordance with the child protection policy and guidelines.
  • Join forces with local authorities to defend kids from harm and abuse.
  • Sensitise kids, especially the most vulnerable ones, guardians/parents, and other parties involved about kids’ rights and obligations.
  • For scaling up and learning, best practises and innovations are well-documented and shared.
Sensitivity to Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI)
  • Make sure the project adheres to the donor’s and WV’s gender or GESI policy, including the choice of project participants or beneficiaries;
  • Give WV/lead partner GESI focused active support so they can deliver the project’s results; and
  • Respect the culture, diversity, customs, and values of the neighbourhood.improved children’s health
Education, knowledge, technical skills, and experience are required.
  • A Bachelor’s degree at the very least in forestry, environmental sciences, or agriculture.
  • Technical skills: At least three of the following theme areas, as well as academic training in them, are necessary. environmental management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, financial inclusion and microfinance, value chain development, small business development, livelihoods programmes, and natural resources
  • a minimum of three years’ experience in project management positions including the management of natural resources, the environment, and food security for international NGOs or local authorities.
  • Understanding of pertinent technical models, including farmer-managed natural regeneration, savings for transformation, local value chain development, and advocacy at the local level; Skills, knowledge, and understanding of forest policy, environment policy, climate change policy, agriculture policy, agroforestry policy, and other sect oral policies;
  • Show that you have understanding of and expertise with advocating for policies, as well as a strong capacity to interact with communities, groups, and indigenous people. You should also have experience with programme design, assessments, monitoring, and evaluation.
  • knowledge of fundraising and evidence-based programming good verbal and written communication abilities, strong interpersonal skills.
  • shown conceptual and analytical skills, and the capacity to design programmes using an evidence-based approach.
  • Proven facilitation abilities and a track record that show good moral character, originality, inventiveness, dependability, and dependability proactive character, self-reliant, and highly motivated.
  • Must be a devout Christian who can transcend sectarian differences. knowledge about computers willing to show up, take part in, or run the monthly Chapel services and daily devotions. carry out more tasks as needed
  • effective in communicating both orally and in writing in English and at least one other widely spoken local language.
  • The employment does not need travel abroad and is field-based.

Only Local Applicants allowed.

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