Apply For Data Collecting Job Vacancy In Uganda | Palladium Group


Ongoing deadline | Apply For Data Collecting Job Vacancy In Uganda | Palladium Group


Role and Project Overview:

In order to assist adaptive management, CSJ proposes to employ Data Collectors to support routine and sporadic evaluation, research, and learning data collection needs. On a call-down contract basis, data collectors will be recruited as needed.

Goal of the Position

  • The data gatherers will help CSJ with various data gathering tasks as assigned, including gathering baseline, assessment, and research data from survey respondents. In order to guarantee a high-quality implementation, adherence to deadlines, and quality assurance, this involves collaborating closely with the CSJ program team. The position will involve a high level of attention to detail as well as working in various environments and places, including field work in somewhat remote areas of Northern Uganda. Depending on the demands of the particular study they are working on, they may need to work longer hours often.
  • Every data collecting assignment will require CSJ to train and update the data collectors. All data gathering efforts will adhere to CSJ authorized discussion forums, forms, procedures, methodology, and tools. The data collectors will be supervised and instructed by ERL specialists and technical field employees under the direction of the Evaluation Research Learning (ERL) Manager to meet the goals established for each time period.

primary responsibilities and duties:

  • Ensure that the Palladium-instituted standard data collecting quality assurance procedures are followed. – Assist with data collection efforts (for both quantitative and qualitative data inquiries) at chosen or sampled sites in NU in coordination with CSJ program and partner employees. – Accurately record information supplied by respondents using specified tools or mobile data gathering applications. and enter the information into the CSJ MIS. When using a hard copy, hand the completed form to an ERL representative during the survey. – When briefed on the effectiveness and quality of the interviews, give CSJ employees clear and accurate feedback. – Adequate use and custody of activity assets (such as phones and tablets), making sure that they are kept in a safe condition and returned to the supervisor at the conclusion of the work. – to ensure that all information gathered from farmers is kept as confidential as possible.
  • Photograph narrative moments or potential stories, then send them to CSJ MD.
  • Use the project resources you have been given in accordance with the spending rules and templates provided.
  • Submit a thorough technical report that accurately depicts the situation on the ground. This needs to be fully supported with relevant images, farmer comments on developments in their way of life, information on markets, and market trends. – Any other tasks that may occasionally be assigned

Required credentials:

  • A bachelor’s degree in a field that is relevant to development, such as social science, sociology, anthropology, development studies, public administration, development communication, political science, public policy, etc.
  • Experience conducting quantitative or qualitative research in the Northern region and in refugee settlements in the region for at least two years.
  • An understanding of Northern Uganda’s agriculture market trends. This should incorporate an understanding of the animal and crop circles.
  • Solid comprehension of NU and the refugee settlements in the area.
  • Proficient English reading and writing abilities. Lugbara, Alur, Acholi, Lango, Madi, Arabic, Kuku, Dinka, or any of the native languages in the Northern Region and Refugee settlements in certain locations fluency in one or more of these languages is a MUST.
  • Solid experience collecting and submitting data using smart phones and tablets.
  • Significant experience transcribing qualitative data.

Additional traits and experiences – Excellent communication and listening skills; initiative and triangulation – Preferably residing in one of the NU region’s districts, such as Lango, Acholi, West Nile, or Kiryandongo – The capacity to function with the least amount of supervision both independently and in a multicultural team. – A readiness to work a flexible schedule. – Willingness to use public transportation when it is unavoidable. – Attention to detail

CLICK HERE To Apply For Data Collecting Job Vacancy In Uganda | Palladium Group

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