Terms Of Reference- Innovator Job in Dar Es Salaam


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Serendipity reminds us that life’s most precious moments often arrive when we least expect them. By cultivating an open and curious mindset, embracing uncertainty, and fostering creativity, you can invite more serendipity into your life. So, be open to the unexpected, and who knows what delightful surprises await you just around the corner. Embrace the art of serendipity, and let it infuse your life with wonder and joy.

Caseysfeedback Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and some of the most beautiful moments happen when we least expect them. Serendipity, the delightful occurrence of finding something valuable or pleasant by chance, is a phenomenon that adds a touch of magic to our lives. In this article, we’ll explore the art of serendipity and how you can cultivate it to invite more joyful surprises into your world.

TalkToStopAndShop The word “serendipity” has its roots in a Persian fairy tale titled “The Three Princes of Serendip.” This story tells of three princes who possessed an extraordinary knack for making accidental discoveries. They often stumbled upon unexpected treasures and solutions to problems while on unrelated journeys. This notion of finding something wonderful when you’re not actively seeking it became known as “serendipity.”

Tellcharleys Serendipity thrives in an atmosphere of openness and curiosity. It’s about being receptive to life’s spontaneity and allowing yourself to explore new avenues without rigid plans. Here are some ways to embrace the unpredictable:

Telloutback Embrace Uncertainty: Life rarely unfolds according to a well-structured plan. Instead of resisting the unknown, learn to accept and even relish it. Embracing uncertainty can lead to serendipitous encounters and discoveries.

Tellthebell Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Serendipity often happens when we venture beyond our comfort zones. Try new activities, explore unfamiliar places, and interact with people from diverse backgrounds. The more you expand your horizons, the more opportunities for serendipity to manifest.

Valuevillagelistens Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness to become fully present in each moment. When you’re aware of your surroundings and tuned into your senses, you’re more likely to notice the subtle signs of serendipity.

Www.HomeDepot.Com/Survey Serendipity and creativity are closely linked. Many groundbreaking discoveries and inventions throughout history occurred as a result of chance encounters and unexpected insights. Some famous examples include:

Jacklistens Penicillin: Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin when he noticed mold had killed the bacteria in a petri dish he had left unattended.

Velcro: Swiss engineer George de Mestral invented Velcro after observing how burrs stuck to his dog’s fur during a walk in the woods.

Post-it Notes: Spencer Silver and Art Fry at 3M developed Post-it Notes when Silver’s weak adhesive formula, initially considered a failure, turned out to be perfect for creating repositionable notes.

MyCFAVisit These examples show that serendipity often plays a crucial role in the creative process. By staying open to unexpected ideas and opportunities, you can nurture your own creative endeavors.

Fostering Serendipity in Your Life

While you can’t control when or where serendipity will strike, you can create an environment that encourages it:

Mybenefits.nationsbenefits.com/activate Network and Collaborate: Engage with a diverse group of people, both personally and professionally. Collaborations and chance encounters can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

Read Widely: Explore books, articles, and topics outside your usual interests. Serendipity often arises from connecting seemingly unrelated ideas.

Keep a Journal: Document your daily experiences and thoughts. Reflecting on your past encounters with serendipity can help you recognize patterns and make room for more in the future.

Closing September 29, 2023 | Terms Of Reference- Innovator Job in Dar Es Salaam | Dalberg Global Development advisors

Terms of Reference for the Position of Innovator

Dalberg Implement, a company or department

Implementation is a category of work

Location: Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam

Multi-location TZ


Position Description

Conditions of Reference

Request for proposals for creative ideas that aim to increase the capacity of lower primary school teachers by implementing a program of evidence-based pedagogy


Elimu-Soko Zanzibar is asking for high-caliber suggestions for innovations that could enhance the outcomes of foundational learning by enhancing teacher preparation (either pre- or in-service). To deliver teacher training, innovations must adopt a pedagogical approach informed by empirical research. High-tech, low-tech, and non-tech advancements are all possible.

Success for Elimu-Soko Zanzibar after the pilot will result in:

improved instruction for 250 primary teachers

for almost 20,000 primary pupils, improved access to a high-quality education

Impact on student outcomes of at least 0.2 standard deviation as compared to baseline assessment, comparison to control group, and any national assessments (such as Tanzanian Early Grade Ready Assessment).

Compared to a control group, teachers’ performance on a normed teacher observation rubric in facilitating interesting and correct teachings improved.

a new idea that has achieved product-market fit and is prepared to be scaled up for widespread adoption.

a tried-and-true strategy that can independently obtain outside funds from both the public and private sectors

increased ability of the innovators to scale up the project with funding from another government facility.Terms Of Reference- Innovator Job in Dar Es Salaam


The chosen innovators will collaborate with Elimu-Soko Zanzibar to jointly create and oversee a six-month pilot project for their proposed innovation. Important duties include:

Create the pilot together. Elimu-Soko Zanzibar, the innovator, and the Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) partner will collaborate to co-design the pilot by developing evidence-based experiments, customizing the outcomes framework to each party’s particular solutions, and selecting the tools and systems that will be applied to the pilot’s execution. They will also choose KPIs to measure the impact of the innovation and track development.

Locate pilot geographic areas. The innovator will choose the pilot regions where the invention will be tested in cooperation with MoEVT. The precise parameters of the pilot will be decided when the innovations have been chosen, but ideally it will take place in one or more Zanzibar districts.

Execute the pilot. The innovator will collaborate on the day-to-day execution of the innovation with MoEVT, regional and district education officers, and headteachers in the target geographies to implement the pilot. The innovator will also collaborate with these stakeholders to track improvements in learning outcomes.

Conduct M&E. The innovator will take the lead in the ongoing data gathering and analysis to monitor changes in the innovation’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The Ministry’s officer in charge of the Education Management Information System will collaborate closely with the inventor. The MEL partner will provide the innovator with ongoing guidance to make sure this is done effectively and appropriately.

Report development. Depending on the type of data and the scope of the pilot, the innovator will collaborate with the MEL partner to determine the frequency of reporting. Elimu-Soko will anticipate regular, punctual updates from the inventor regarding their progress. Terms Of Reference- Innovator Job in Dar Es Salaam

Develop a pilot report. The MEL partner will receive assistance from the innovator to create a thorough report of the pilot. The following will be in the report:

a succinct summary

  • the invention’s introduction
  • An explanation of the piloting strategy, covering population and geographic selection
  • An explanation of the evaluation process
  • Important conclusions, including recommendations and lessons learned.
  • Observations and suggestions.


The total cost of the pilot, including all taxes and fees, will not exceed USD 150,000. The government and other funders will decide whether to scale up the pilot and provide new financing for the scale-up procedure after the pilot.


  • Elimu-Soko Zanzibar is asking for high-caliber suggestions for solutions to the aforementioned problem. Innovative thinkers from throughout the world, whether for profit or not, are urged to submit their applications. Nevertheless, the following minimal criteria should be met: innovators
  • The Zanzibar Education Situation Analysis (ESA), Zanzibar National Development Plan (ZADP), and the Zanzibar Education Transformation Report may be used as information sources for innovators to gain a thorough understanding of the difficulties in teacher training as well as the education sector in Zanzibar as a whole.
  • A minimum of five years of experience delivering teacher training using a pedagogical method that is evidence-based (which may include structured pedagogy and/or other techniques) is required of innovators.
  • To execute on the pilot within the timeframe outlined in these ToRs, innovators should have the necessary skills (i.e., a qualified team, sufficient on-the-ground resources, ready technology for tech-enabled solutions, etc.).
  • To develop their capacity, innovators should be eager to work with local stakeholders (such as MEWAKA/Community of Learning [COL] groups, Teacher Centre Subject Advisors, Teacher Training College, and State University of Zanzibar faculty members) as well as the public education system. They should also be able to articulate their plans for doing so.


Innovations should have a strong educational foundation and be grounded in evidence-based research.

The structure of innovations should take use of the delivery chain (for instance, working with district education officials) and aim to increase its capability over time so that the authorities can run and administer the innovation without the innovator.

Innovations should have gone beyond the proof-of-concept stage and, ideally, have been tried out and put into practice in developing markets. The inventions that have been tested in African nations will be given preference.

Innovations should be cost-effective across the board (i.e., less than $10 per student for 200,000 students) and scalable across the entire public school system. Innovations with the lowest cost of system-wide scalability will be given preference.

A selection team made up of representatives from the Hempel Foundation, Dalberg, and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training evaluated the bids. The selection committee will choose an innovation based on a thorough framework. The following are the evaluation criteria:



measurable impact

Delivering innovations in education with a strong track record (e.g., recent statistics that demonstrate quantitative impact

A robust study that is experimental or a comprehensive study that has a track record




Ability to carry out

Previous experience working in underdeveloped nations (preferable in Africa, Tanzania, or Zanzibar)

experience in building capacity among teachers, school administrators, and district officials over a long period of time.

Team that is qualified for the pilot, including those with deep and pertinent technical knowledge in the education sector and experience running similar initiatives in developing nations




Plan of attack and manner

Through formal accreditation or significant use in various contexts, training materials are thoroughly reviewed.

With a clear explanation of how capacity will be built in the pilot program, the description of the pilot should include information on who will be trained, how existing training materials will be customized for Zanzibar, the number of training sessions, training materials for teachers and students, the reasonableness of associated costs, and delivery in a low-tech environment.

A detailed project plan detailing the tasks that must be completed both before and during the pilot, as well as the approximate timing of those tasks (assuming a six-month pilot)

The MEL plan must be clearly stated (for instance, what information will be gathered from what sources during the pilot, how the results will be assessed and presented, and how the pilot will be amended in light of intermediate results, as well as the qualifications of the MEL team members).






Strong evidence of scalability in the pilot, methodology for embedding the innovation, and the learning process from iteration (e.g., number of years to scale, incremental goals for each year, direct school interventions versus district level interventions, Train the Trainer model)

Total program cost, cost per teacher, cost per student, and any recurrent costs (such as a breakdown of expenditures for training sessions, printed materials, capacity building, etc.) for each year of the scaling period. For 200,000 students, the entire program cost should be less than $10 per student. Programs with the lowest system-wide costs will receive preference.






No more than 10 PowerPoint presentations, organized as follows, should be submitted by innovators.


a succinct summary

(slide 1)

a succinct account that summarizes the proposal. In addition to the approach and methodology for the pilot program, the scalability plan beyond the pilot, and a straightforward table with the total costs and the costs per student for the 6-month pilot and each year of the future scale-up, this should include a summary of the innovator’s demonstrated impact and ability to execute.

measurable impact

(slide 1)

A description of the experimental study or RCT that was conducted for the program, as well as any important exhibits indicating influence on student outcomes for other recent programs implemented by the innovator.

Ability to carry out

(slide 1)

A brief biography of the innovator and an overview of their prior expertise, particularly in the areas of: 1) developing nations (particularly those in Africa, Tanzania, and Zanzibar); 2) methodically scaling programs over several years; and 3) increasing the ability of the public education systems. If there is a joint proposal, give a succinct description of the relationship. Please stress any knowledge of the sociopolitical environment and any experience interacting with governmental bodies in Zanzibar.

team composition

(slide 1)

An outline of the proposed team and brief biographies of the team members, with a focus on: technical expertise in the education sector and expertise in administering projects of a similar nature in developing nations. Give a brief description of how local team members will be recruited and how long that process will take in the absence of team members residing in Zanzibar.

Describe the invention or proposed pilot program

(slide 1)

a thorough explanation of the innovation. This should include: The method used to evaluate the training materials (such as formal accreditation or substantial use in other contexts);

The pilot’s description (e.g., how current training materials will be modified for Zanzibar, who will be trained, how many training sessions there will be, what teachers and pupils will learn, whether associated expenditures are realistic, how low-tech the delivery will be)

Clear explanation of the pilot program’s capacity-building strategy

project schedule

(slide 1)

An overview of the proposed work plan that highlights the tasks that must be completed both before and during the pilot, as well as the approximate times for each task (based on a six-month pilot). Important completion dates and deliverables should also be included.

Plan for monitoring, evaluating, and learning

(slide 1)

a thorough system for recording and keeping track of progress during the course of the pilot project. The major touchpoints with Elimu-Soko to provide updates, solve problems, and iterate on the innovation should be included. These should include the overall ToC for the innovation, a strong set of KPIs, the systems and tools to be utilized to track and these indicators.

Plan for Future Scaling

(slide 1)

A detailed explanation of the post-pilot scaling plan, including: 1) a theory of change outlining how the intervention will be increased and integrated into the government; 2) the innovation’s scaling methodology (e.g., the number of years to scale, incremental goals for each year, learning from iterations, direct school interventions versus district level interventions, Train the Trainer model); and 3) the innovation’s integration methodology into public education. It will be necessary to clearly outline which aspects of the pilot are cost-effectively and efficiently scalable and which aspects would bring hazards during scale-up.

Cost of a pilot and scaling

(slide 1)

For the six-month pilot and each year of the scaling phase, the total program cost, cost per instructor, and cost per student were calculated. Major cost elements (such as the provision of training sessions, printed materials, and capacity building) should be shown as separate line items. Any recurring costs that remain after the program has been completely scaled up should be shown in a separate column. Innovations using an approach that yields the lowest overall cost will be given preference.

Additional information

(slide 1)

  • Anything else that might be useful, but please don’t change the order of the preceding slides; instead, include it on the final slide.
  • The Innovator MUST furthermore include the following documents with the proposal (as separate attachments):
  • examinations of former programs’ effects, particularly any information on their effects on student outcomes
  • Any information about the programming approach’s accreditation, peer review, or validation
  • Curriculum, workbooks, etc., from a program that implements a comparable concept.
  • Detailed line-item cost breakdown in an Excel file
  • 3-5 references that can verify the data in the proposal are cited.
  • Finally, innovators must self-certify in a single sentence in the submission email that the following documents can be delivered at the conclusion of the selection process (or provide a justification if a particular document isn’t likely to be available):
  • legal paperwork for registration
  • a copy of your business license for the nation where the project will be finished
  • 3 years’ worth of annual reports
  • annually audited financial statements for the previous three years
  • Chart of the organization
  • Names and addresses of key employees (such as the project’s CEO, COO, chief program officer, and other staff members who have financial control over the project)
  • Certified under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Descriptions of child protection policy and training


We urge innovators to think about these:

Technical and financial proposals must be submitted as independent files in a folder and forwarded to info.dalbergimplement@dalberg.com with a copy to Jackson Mahenge. “Innovation proposal for Elimu-Soko Zanzibar initiative” should be the email subject line.

All files must be in PDF format.

The financial plan must include all costs in USD, including VAT.

Any actual or apparent conflict of interest between Elimu-Soko or its partners and any members of the innovators’ team or any other party with whom the innovator wishes to contract for the supply of goods and/or services for the pilot shall be disclosed by the innovative.

Major dates:



Providing guidelines

September 6th, 2023

submitting inquiries and giving clarifications

September 15, 2023

Putting forward ideas

September 29, 2023

declaring the winning proposal

October 13, 2023

start of the pilot

January 1, 2024

CLICK HERE To Apply For Terms Of Reference- Innovator Job in Dar Es Salaam

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