Date of expiration: Friday, September 22, 2023 | Short Term Consultant- Learning Analyst United States | The World Bank


Short-Term Learning Analyst Consultant

    Beginning on October 1, 2023

    Dimensions: 150

    English Language Abilities

    United States, assignment location

    Organization: IFC

    IFC’s Vice President of Corporate Strategy and Resources

    The Learning Analyst Consultant’s job description is to produce and deliver the IFC Operations Fundamentals, Project Management, and Client Skills programs as part of a multidisciplinary team. The consultant will work closely with members of the Learning team while reporting to David Samso Aparici. Details of certain jobs will include: creation of educational programs

    The consultant will assist in creating and upgrading training materials, concentrating on:

    • Making changes to case studies, presentations, handouts, and group activities.
    • creating templates, tests, and other teaching resources
    • ensuring the uniformity and excellence of all materials
    • assisting in the creation of management training.
    • organizing and taking part in practice runs
    • assisting with or producing the live or online delivery

    During the live online delivery, the consultant will serve as a producer, overseeing all technological aspects of the training delivery. Specific roles include:

    • giving learners a quick introduction to training software
    • coordinating the technical parts of the breakout sessions, surveys, and tests for the participants.
    • solving any technical issues that may arise during the training
    • Observing the interactions of the participants (mics, raised hands, talks, etc.).
    • Support in planning, organizing, and getting ready for a virtual delivery using Microsoft Teams (or another agreed-upon program)

    The consultant will provide communicative, administrative, and logistical support for putting the modules into practice; particular duties include:

    Managing participant data, such as manager and cohort nominations

    prior to the course, participants were kept informed.

    ensuring that the necessary infrastructure is in place to provide sessions.

    establishing MS Teams and preserving all materials, including posting them

    Before, during, and after the sessions, participants are given access to materials

    Digital content creation and distribution on OLC and other platforms:

    • Create the course in OLC and make the necessary updates.
    • Control the registration of participants.
    • Organize further OLC-related tasks.

    Communication following training:

    • Create and manage course surveys, together with the results and post-survey analysis.
    • Design the intranet website and quarterly newsletter with prior participants in mind, keeping track of and reporting on user statistics.

    SharePoint-based intranet content management

    • Maintain SharePoint intranet sites and subpages that come with it.
    • OneDrive, SharePoint, and MS Teams e-document libraries and folders can be managed.

    Short Term Consultant- Learning Analyst United States job vacancy

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