Officer in charge of Information Management for the Nutrition Cluster | (P3) | Port Sudan| Sudan


Date of deadline: Sunday, August 13, 2023 | Officer in charge of Information Management for the Nutrition Cluster | (P3) | Port Sudan| Sudan

position: Officer in charge of Information Management for the Nutrition Cluster | (P3) | Port Sudan| Sudan

To reach the most underprivileged children on the planet, UNICEF works in some of the most difficult locations:

  • to prevent their death.
  • to protect their legal rights.
  • to assist them in achieving their potential.

We strive to create a better future for everyone by working for every child, everywhere, every day, in 190 nations and territories.

We never give up either.

Health for every child

  • Whenever there are humanitarian needs, UNICEF places a high priority on humanitarian action, which includes measures to save lives, relieve suffering, uphold human dignity, and protect affected populations’ rights as well as measures to address underlying risks and causes of disaster vulnerability. The Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCCs), which are mandatory for all UNICEF employees and set organizational, programmatic, and operational commitments and benchmarks against which UNICEF holds itself accountable for the scope, caliber, and equity of its humanitarian action and advocacy, serve as the foundation for UNICEF’s humanitarian work.
  • Through the cluster strategy, UNICEF is devoted to assisting humanitarian coordination. The cluster approach, which was introduced as part of the humanitarian reform, aims to ensure clear leadership, predictability, and accountability in international responses to humanitarian emergencies by defining roles and responsibilities within the various sectors involved in the response. When the clusters are activated, as in the case of Sudan, UNICEF is committed to performing the core tasks outlined by the IASC in its capacity as the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA) for Nutrition. The activity of the Cluster Lead Agency includes a well-run Cluster coordination team as a formal deliverable.
  • The necessity for quick report collecting, analysis, and sharing with partners and strategic stakeholders has greatly grown since the conflict in Sudan broke out in the middle of April 2023. As a result, the reporting frequency has changed from monthly to weekly or fortnightly. The capability of the already overburdened information management system, which is unable to fulfill or manage the constantly expanding information needs and timely reporting, has been tested by the need to address these fast increasing needs. In order to bridge the gap in the short term, UNICEF, the cluster/sector lead agency, made a call for assistance from Standby partners. Given that there will continue to be a pressing need for rapid data collection, analysis, and reporting, UNICEF is bolstering the IM capacity of the nutrition sector by adding more staff.

How can you influence things?

A crucial component of the Cluster/Sector Coordination team is the Information Management Officer. The goal of this support is to strengthen the Nutrition Cluster’s already-existing capacity and information management systems for managing the gathering, analysis, and dissemination of information that is crucial for the participants and stakeholders in the Cluster to make well-informed (evidence-based) strategic decisions. The synthesis of nutrition-related data and the creation of reports, the development and updating of dashboards at the national and subnational levels, early warning and early action analysis at various levels, and the preparation of updates for regular and strategic sector meetings at the national and subnational levels will all be used to achieve this.

TA_ IMO ToR Final Draft 03-08-2023.docx

III. The principal responsibility, related obligations, and tasks

The main purpose of the IMO is to strengthen the national and subnational information management systems in Sudan.

The IMO is accountable for the following:

  • Review the information management systems for the nutrition sector in cooperation with the cluster/sector information manager, and work with partners to fill in any gaps with the cluster/sector coordination team.
  • Utilize GIS and other tools to create accurate, high-quality, and timely IM products at the national and state levels, as well as geographic data management for country-level perspectives.
  • Adopt and encourage the use of international standards for information management to ensure comparability.
  • Distribute information and information products that have been cleared through the appropriate channel to partners and stakeholders in the nutrition sector.
  • Assist in conducting data collection, processing, including cleaning, validating, and analysis of nutrition data and information important to the nutrition sector/cluster.
  • To improve IM products, gather customer feedback.
  • Support with updating the 4Ws, partners financing status, and any other IM products for the Nutrition Cluster/Sector partners.
  • Prepare admissions trends to assist in locating and highlighting locations where the nutrition situation is rapidly changing in order to take prompt action.
  • Triangulation analysis of data and information from other sectors, such as health, WASH, food security, and livelihood, etc.
  • Support in developing and carrying out monitoring of the malnutrition risk factors based on framework that will be agreed upon by nutrition sector partners, map how they are changing and impacting nutrition.
  • As part of the nutrition sector’s responsibilities to the HPC reporting cycle and tools, assist the IMO in preparing deliverables and inputs/products for submission to OCHA.
  • Conduct nutrition data quality analyses at the national and subnational levels in coordination with the sector IMO and partners, and create a plan to rectify any gaps in data quality that are found.
  • Provide accurate, timely, and relevant data, information, and information products to support evidence-based advocacy and resource mobilization.
  • Contribute to and support the consolidation of sector quarterly bulletins, sitreps, and regular information updates.
  • assistance with creating and maintaining databases of information and data products, including maps and evaluations.
  • Support subnational coordinators in carrying out monthly analysis and interpretation of nutrition data and other contextual information that may be gathered in the hub/states .
  • Promote and provide training and capacity building activities of the Nutrition Cluster/sector partners on reporting, use of the IM outputs, etc.
  • Support in updating the nutrition sector webpage on the humanitarian relief web managed by OCHA Represent the nutrition Sector in the Information Working Follow up on partners in the nutrition sector’s reporting on the AAP, analyze the implementation using the agreed-upon tools and indicators, and update partners through the nutrition sector/cluster forum.
  • Prepare ad hoc data collection tools, analyze, and promptly respond to partners’ and stakeholders’ requests for data and information as needed.
  • Observe PSEA and child safety policies, including the steps for disputing and notifying incidents, and make sure the other members of the IM team do the same.
  • Support additional IM requirements that adhere to CLARE II guidelines

Execute any more IM-related tasks that may come up.

If you want to be an advocate for every child, you’ll need…


  • Information management master’s degree or equivalent is necessary.
  • The first-level university degree plus two more years of information management experience may be accepted in place of the advanced degree.
  • An advantage is formal training in cluster/Sector information management.

Working experience(Officer in charge of Information Management for the Nutrition Cluster | (P3) | Port Sudan| Sudan)

  • five years of steadily more responsibility experience working in the humanitarian sector for the UN or an NGO, including managing information during the early stage of a large emergency response that is relevant to the cluster or sector.
  • Long-term employment outside the humanitarian field that is pertinent to this position may be substituted for humanitarian experience.

Language prerequisites(Officer in charge of Information Management)

English proficiency is necessary. Understanding other languages, especially the Arabic spoken at the duty station, is regarded as advantageous.

V1. technical specifications

The position holder must exhibit exceptional expertise in the following areas:

  • Humanitarian architecture, cluster approach, and core functions; the humanitarian reform process and the transformative agenda; the humanitarian-development nexus and the Grand Bargain Commitments; the IASC Guidance Note on Strengthening Participation, Representation, and Leadership of Local and National Actors in IASC Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms; and the IASC Results Group 1 on Operational Responsiveness
  • Humanitarian principles, standards and guidelines Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action, (2020), UNICEF, Cluster Coordination Guidance for Country Offices (2015), UNICEF The Sphere Handbook, (2018), Sphere, Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability, (2014), CHSA, Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief, (1994), ICRC, Accountability to Affected Populations: The Operational Framework, (2013), IASC, Principles of Partnership: A Statement of Commitment, (2007), ICVA, Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability, Quality (AAAQ) framework: A tool to identify potential barriers in accessing services in humanitarian settings, (2019), UNICEF, Statement on the Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action, (2013), IASC, Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, (2008), Secretary General Bulletin, Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action, (2015), IASC.

Principles, guidelines, concepts, instruments, and resources for nutrition in emergencies

The Humanitarian-Development Nexus and the Grand Bargain Commitments, the Humanitarian Reform Process and the Transformative Agenda, the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (2020), UNICEF, and the Humanitarian-Programme Cycle (HNO, HRP, and CCPM) are important processes and features.

Measuring and monitoring the nutrition situation, identifying needs and interventions, designing and managing nutrition programs, adopting integrated and systems-based approaches to programming, involving communities in nutrition action, coordinating and collaborating with others, advocating for improved nutrition outcomes, promoting resilience to shocks, strengthening capacities to protect, and promoting nutrition among other key issues in nutrition programming in humanitarian settings Essential Nutrition Actions: Mainstreaming Nutrition Throughout the Life-Course, (2019), WHO, Global Action Plan on Child Wasting: A framework for action to accelerate progress in preventing and managing child wasting and the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals, (2020), No Time to Waste: UNICEF’s strategy for the prevention, early detection, and treatment of wasting in early childhood (2021), Nutrition Cluster Handbook (2013), Nutrition Cluster Coordination and Management, and Nutrition Cluster Coordination and Management

You exhibit for each child…

Our actions and methods are guided by UNICEF’s Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS). Learn more about UNICEF’s values by visiting their website.

Qualifications for Officer in charge of Information Management for the Nutrition Cluster | (P3) | Port Sudan| Sudan

The UNICEF qualifications needed for this position are…

Builds and maintains relationships; exhibits self-knowledge and ethical awareness; is driven to produce results that have an impact; innovates and embraces change; manages ambiguity and complexity; thinks and acts strategically; and collaborates with others.

V. Required abilities and skill level (based on UNICEF Professional Competency Profiles)

Core abilities:

comprehends the underlying principles of humanitarian reform, as well as newer innovations, such as the transformative agenda. Understands, employs, and adapts the tools, mechanisms, and procedures created as part of the Humanitarian Reform Shows a commitment to the Humanitarian Principles ( Shows a commitment to the Principles of Partnership ( Communicates,

technical expertise

Has sufficient knowledge of the cluster’s core technical issues to: interact with cluster members; and comprehend their information management requirements. Excellent technical skills for managing data capture and storage, for analyzing a variety of datasets, and for presenting information in easily understandable tables, charts, graphs, and reports; knowledge of setting up and managing basic websites (such as UNOCHA’s Humanitarian Response platform- the HPC tools); proven skills in using GIS and map-making packages, as well as in web design and software development are also required.

We put candidates through tests during the hiring process using the competency framework. Learn about our competency framework and its various levels here: competency framework.


  • UNICEF’s global workforce must reflect the variety of the children it serves, who are among the most underprivileged in the world. No one is excluded from the UNICEF family because of their color or ethnicity, age, handicap, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status, or any other personal trait.
  • We provide our employees with a wide range of perks, including as paid parental leave, nursing breaks, and appropriate accommodations for people with impairments. Flexible work schedules are strongly advised by UNICEF.
  • With regard to behavior that is incompatible with the goals and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, such as sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, misuse of power, and discrimination, UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy. UNICEF is dedicated to promoting the safety and security of every child. Therefore, all chosen applicants will go through thorough reference and background checks, and they will be required to follow these standards and ideals. Verification of academic credentials and employment history will be part of background checks. It could be necessary to request more information from chosen candidates so that a background check can be done.
  • The best outcomes for children depend on UNICEF’s proactive commitment to diversity and inclusion. Female candidates from industrialized nations who are qualified and appropriate for the role are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Only degrees from institutions accredited or recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a database that is regularly updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), are taken into account by UNICEF. You can see the list at
  • Only those who have been shortlisted will be contacted and moved on to the next phase of the hiring process.
  • Medical clearance is required for UNICEF employment. For IP posts, the issuing of a visa by the host nation of the duty station is necessary. UNICEF will help with this. The obligation for immunization (vaccination), including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid), applies to appointments as well. Normally, government personnel who are being considered for employment with UNICEF must resign from their government in order to accept a position with UNICEF. If a visa, medical clearance, or required immunizations cannot be obtained within a reasonable amount of time for whatever reason, UNICEF retains the right to revoke an offer of employment without pay.

for more information, click here

Officer in charge of Information Management for the Nutrition Cluster | (P3) | Port Sudan| Sudan

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